Hi, well the 3.34 release is due in about four weeks from now (September 12 to be specific). Tasks that the engagement team have had the responsibility for and could deserve our attention include but are not limited to;
*News item/press release Â
*Release notes https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Engagement/release-notes/issues/17
  *In progress, Link have created the page and are collecting input from maintainers Â
*Screenshot pack https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Engagement/General/issues/139
*Release video https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Engagement/release-video/issues/1
*Release parties https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/ReleaseParties/ThreePointThirtyfour
 *page available
*Email to friends of GNOME donorsÂ
*Social media -
I think there is no overstatement that they all represent important tasks and I’m sure that help with any of the tasks is *appreciated.
I’m also sure that questions regarding any task is welcome. 3.34 release marketing can subject for future discussions
*details regarding each specific task is available in the links.