Re: CVS question

2006/12/16, Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>:
On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 17:13 -0300, Rodrigo Aguilar M. wrote:
> Hi guys!
> I'm working on getting the patch of my "open with" code but I have some
> doubts about CVS. Following the documentation, i get the last version of
> eog-ng doing:
>       ~/devel/eog$ cvs update -dP
> on the working directory.
> Later i get the patch with:
>       ~/devel/eog$ cvs diff -up > 319859.patch
> The problem is that I'm getting changes from functions that
> I have never modified. Like this:
>       @@ -2703,7 +2785,7 @@ void
>       eog_window_open_uri_list (EogWindow *window, GSList *uri_list)
>       {
>               EogJob *job;
>       -
>       +
>               job = eog_job_model_new (uri_list);
>               g_signal_connect (job,
> Is this OK or I'm doing something wrong?

Most probably you have changed space indentation with tabs indentation
or things like that. I think it is not really important (as long as you
don't see real code changed), but if you want your patch completely
clean, you can try by downloading a fresh CVS copy, and modifying only
what you need to modify for your patch, supposing it's ready. This way
you avoid having noise in your patch.
The -w (ignore whitespace) or -b (ignore blank lines) arguments to cvs
diff might be useful with fighting whitespace clutter in patches.

Also if the patch isn't huge, the crappy sections can be simply edited
out by hand. You just need to be careful to remove every line from the
line beginning with @@ to the next one so that patch (or equivalent)
won't get confused.

Kalle Vahlman, zuh iki fi
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