Re: Re : Re: Downloader UI Rationales

mpgritti oltrelinux com wrote:
Yes, I for one just click "OK OK". But at least I see the filename somewhere. In Epiphany now, I can download a file without ever knowing what its filename is.

But I think this is one of the things that we can blame to a still not mature implementation.
It sucks that downloader progressed slowly because now it's hard to see what's implementation fault and what's a real problem in the design ...
Yeah, sorry if I mixed design drawbacks with implementation drawbacks. 
I'm bundling them into one big, fat mess :).
I think we should show a confirmation dialog when the mime type isnt handlable. That would make the timer thing unnecessary too probably, because you would ever have something showed (dialog or app) and so the feedback could be ok.
I think "download complete" is an important message. Maybe a little 
message could pop out of the download manager's tray icon, then 
disappear after a couple of seconds? (Similar to MSN Messenger's 
obnoxious way of grabbing your attention....)
Adam Hooper
adamh densi com

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