Re: crash on some websites

Hello Alexander,

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Alexander Nagel wrote:

Does the problem occur in Mozilla itself too?
Yes, Mozilla 1.7.12 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de-AT; rv:1.7.12)
Then the problem lies most likely with the Mozilla build you're using.

Gecko/20051011 Debian/1.7.12-1) crashes too for the debian bug and mine.
But firefox works fine.
If you're up to it, you could try to build Epiphany against Firefox 
instead of Mozilla then.

Reinout van Schouwen	   ***	student of Artifical Intelligence
email: reinout cs vu nl    ***	mobile phone: +31-6-44360778       ***	help mee met GNOME vertalen:

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