Re: Browser re-org

Em 20 Jul, 2005, às 1:11 PM, Bryan Clark escreveu:
The main interaction for the browser is to have a single address /
search entry area where you type in a web address or search term.  If
the person enters a search term you send them to google, if they enter a web site you feed that directly to mozilla.
Part of the different feedback is the results view taking up the whole
browser window.  I'm assuming that when you start typing in the address
bar you are planning to lose the current browser window.  (understood
ctrl-enter does differently, this is still possible)
Why should you need to have a browser window open to do this? This 
seems like something that should be in the panel, not inside Epiphany.
(I came across someone yesterday who always types Ctrl+T, not Ctrl+L, 
before going to a new page -- even if they don't want to keep the 
existing page around any more, the habit is too strong. They didn't 
know about Ctrl+Enter.)
One other thing that I need some help figuring out how to do is to only
get the text of the part of the web page that people have seen. This is a tuning of the other idea towards this "Remember the stuff I've seen" goal. If I haven't seen it we might want to remember it, but not as high a ranking as the stuff i have actually seen.
Do you mean the part of the page you scrolled through, as opposed to 
the part you didn't scroll through?
Matthew Thomas

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