Re: One window per URL

>we're doing our best to let Epiphany be a document-oriented 

Can I take the time to argue *against* being document-oriented?

I imagine that document-oriented interfaces work well when
editing a document. It encourages the user to think of the
current view as *being* the document. For example, there's no
point having multiple views of a single irc channel. Or
multiple views of a single directory in Nautilus.

But there is no editing of webpages (unless you count a wiki).
It is clear to the user that each browser window provides just
a  view of the underlying document, in the same way that I can
walk into a room of mirrors and see an object multiple times.
I understand that when I manipulate things in Epiphany I am
just manipulating the view, and not the webpage itself.

Though maybe I don't understand document-oriented interfaces
so well. :)


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