Re: SoC 2006

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, ?????? ????????? wrote:

What are your opinions? Keep in mind that a good SoC project should be
finishable in 6 weeks time and there must be clear end terms.
Another idea is for adding Perl as an extension language.
Please be more specific. How would Perl extensions further the goals of 
GNOME? What can be done with Perl that can't be done (easily) in one of 
the existing extension languages? Is this idea realizable in 6 weeks 
time and is there someone (you?) who knows both Perl and Epiphany well 
enough to mentor this project?
I may sound a little critical here but it is important to understand 
that I wasn't asking for everyone to hand in their "may be nice" wish 
list or an enumeration of individual bugs that have been annoying them.
There will be lots of competing GNOME subprojects and if we want to 
stand a chance of being selected, the idea must have appeal so that the 
greater community can easily understand WHY it would be useful to have, 
and the student taking on the project can be assured of proper mentoring 
and will have a clear idea of WHAT exactly (s)he will have to deliver to 
be able to claim the bounty.
With this in mind, please keep the suggestions coming :-)


Reinout van Schouwen	   ***	student of Artifical Intelligence
email: reinout cs vu nl    ***	mobile phone: +31-6-44360778       ***	help mee met GNOME vertalen:

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