Re: SoC 2006

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Raphael Slinckx wrote:

He seems to be active, even if not very communicating on the subject.
It's an interesting project. Tracker came up on the desktop-devel list 
too, in the discussion (again) about blessing mono/beagle for the 
desktop platform.
Anyway, does everyone (except Crispin, who regrets) agree with Sunday? 
How about 21:00 UTC? I realize I forgot to address Peter, Piers, Tommi 
and Philip in my last mail (anyone else?), are you in?

Reinout van Schouwen	   ***	student of Artifical Intelligence
email: reinout cs vu nl    ***	mobile phone: +31-6-44360778       ***	help mee met GNOME vertalen:

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