Re: What about the epiphany date server/bookmarks db

Aneglus wrote:

what about the bookmarks database ? it's planned for the 2.16.

Actually this database could be really interresting for the entire gnome desktop
because we could also add feeds and maybe webradios/tv. Why ? To let us save/share all our bookmarks easly (over the web and over the desktop). use case :

I used for years epiphany but soo, firefox 2.1 is really goood and support gnome
bookmark database. I needn't to worry about my bookmarks!

For example the epilicious extensions is really interresting but should be
implemented alone.

Maybe I can help ?

Im going to be starting on that next month using tracker(1)'s database (I will have plenty of time next month)

Tracker's bookmarks, history and other first class objects are designed to be shared all over the desktop (and potentially with other desktops as its freedesktop/desktop neutral too)

If you want to help maybe you can start by spec'ing out whats needed?

I want tracker to be the best bookmark database ever (as well as the best music db, photo db, contact db etc) but I need specs...

(1) -

Mr Jamie McCracken

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