Re: What means this failure??

Hello Beartooth,

On Fri, 5 May 2006, Beartooth wrote:

something other than it said -- but I may well be wrong. First it said it
downloaded dbus-x11-0.61-3.i3 -- then "Installed: dbus-x11.i386 0:0.61-3"
-- are those really the same??
It's very likely that those are the same, yes.

The only thing I can think of left to try are logging out and back in, and if that doesn't work, rebooting. (Shades of M$!) Stay tuned ...
Rebooting won't be necessary, restarting the dbus service will. Although 
I think it should have been restarted upon installation, you may want to 
check the services running on your system. Gnome-system-tools contains a 
utility to view these. On my Mandriva system, the dbus service is called 
'messagebus' and I can restart it by entering 'service messagebus 
restart' on the command line, as root. It might work for you (but I'm 
not sure the commands on Fedora are the same).

Reinout van Schouwen	   ***	student of Artifical Intelligence
email: reinout cs vu nl    ***	mobile phone: +31-6-44360778       ***	help mee met GNOME vertalen:

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