Re: feature request/feature discussion?

[Re-cc'ing epiphany-list, hope that is OK.]

On 5/17/06, Kristoffer Lundén <kristoffer lunden gmail com> wrote:
On 5/17/06, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

> I'm thinking, for example, of the gmail case- it feels like it would
> be nice to do something like:
> epiphany --no-chrome

Maybe it would be enough to hide toolbars and the statusbar? That way you
still have access to any function and can even put those back via the menu,
while still having a very minimal interface with only the menus still there.
Possible, though the vast majority of the menus aren't relevant in an
app-like setting- I'm not going to bookmark the mail I'm writing right
now, for example, nor when I'm using 'the gmail application' do I want
to adjust epiphany's plugins. It might be possible that want we want
is something like full-screen mode- a big 'print' button, copy/paste,
and save, with an 'exit to the real browser' button as well?

The theme between the question of last night and the question of two
nights ago, by the way, is that web-apps are a reality, and it might
be good for epiphany to consider how epiphany can make it very, very
easy and very, very good to use those in epiphany and in GNOME


* I realize that for a variety of reasons web apps will always fall
short of our goals of usability and integration, and this is a shame,
but it seems better to cope with the problem and make GNOME a very
good platform to use webapps on, rather than ignore the issue on those

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