Re: Extensions -For a better Epiphany-

Hey :)

On 10/24/06, t u <towsonu2003 gmail com> wrote:
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I have been getting sick of how Firefox developers favor the Windows
version compared to the "turtle"-like (and I like turtles...) Linux
version. It has been amazing for me when one day I accidentally fired up
Firefox in a school computer (uses Windows) and it opened up in a few
seconds (my computer specs were better than this other computer)... And
of course, the latest Debian mess, the memory issues, the delay in
responding to my commands, corrupting profiles etc.

Indeed, your disease is widely spread but people is not aware of its illness.

I was considering Epiphany, but unfortunately it does not provide the
extensions that I have been addicted to... such as google lite, adblock,
noscript, user agent switcher, videodownloader and so on...

It would be very nice if Epiphany developers could step up and produce
the most popular extensions of Firefox for Epiphany (in terms of
functionality -I don't mean to say "copy the codes").

So far, I am using 7 extensions in Firefox, and there are just no
extensions that Epiphany provides, which is useful to me (I'm a very
average web addict)...

Please let me know if you need this documented as a bug report. I am
sending this according to the instructions at that say:
"You can contact developers sending a mail to the Epiphany mailing list.
You do not need to be subscribed."

Thanks for the time of writing this, comments are always appreciated.

Now, maybe this are not the extensions that you want/would like but in
the meanwhile you have the following: (hidden menu, remove-throbber,
fast viewsource) (a lot of good extensions)

Thank you,

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