Re: Printing a page

Magnus Therning wrote:
Paulo J. Matos wrote:
Hello all,
I think it's well-known that gecko has poor-ish printing support, that
affects both Firefox and epiphany.  Personally I kill a kitten every
time I print a page that epiphany chokes on (i.e. I use IE :-)

Hopefully using webkit will improve the situation in the future, but who
Hi Magnus!

I'm working on printing support for WebKit/GTK+.

This is an early screenshot from some weeks ago:

I'm a hard-copy fan and take page layout very seriously, both on and off-screen. I'm working to ensure that print output in browsers like Epiphany will be as beautiful, space-efficient and easy on the eyes as possible.
I'd be very interested to see examples of your favourite browser print 
output as well as any test cases that aren't paginated or laid out 
correctly in print.
There's already plenty of good technology in our printing back-end: One 
example: difference squared techniques are applied to ensure that text 
will always have enough contrast against the page to be easily legible, 
since colours chosen for on-screen display aren't always right for print.
Then there's the possibility of re-purposing Google's new mobile frame 
flattening features in the layout engine to get more usable space out of 
each page. Do get in touch if you're interested in helping out.

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