totem embedded player


I have a question about the totem embedded player in epiphany. it's
really great in most cases, but not, when you want download a mp3 (or
other media-file). it opens the mp3, which i want to have on my
harddisc, directly in the player and I couldn't save it. There is the
possibility to open it with an external player, but it seems totally
unclear, how this player is choosen. my problem is to download a mp3
file from egoshare, a really bad, strange file hoster.

if there is a link (not an embedded media object) to a media file, why
couldn't epiphany show the "Download/Save/abbort" dialog or open totem
external, instead of open the embedded player? 



Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni

people world:/# apt-get --purge remove dominion
After unpacking world will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially beneficial
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as We say!'
Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni

people world:/# apt-get --purge remove dominion
After unpacking world will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially beneficial
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as We say!'

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