Re: What is Epiphany's role now?

Murray Cumming wrote:
Unfortunately, I think we have lost the battle to get Epiphany installed
as the default browser on popular Linux distributions. The Firefox brand
was just something that they couldn't do without.

So, how do the Epiphany developers see their role now? Is Epiphany now
just a way to show what Firefox should do, or are you motivated by the
needs of the few users who do use it, via the few distros that default
to it?

Personally, I think it's time instead to fix Firefox as much as
possible, as difficult as that is.

Epiphany has been ousted by Firefox in distros. Yet so has Firefox, in a manner of speaking. The Mozilla Corporation produces binaries, but they go unused as distros ship their own binaries, and our install base far outnumbers theirs.

So, as a result of this, Firefox has now extended to the Linux community an olive branch, or a carrot so to speak. We now have a very strong say in what goes into the linux versions of Firefox. But we do need manpower as there is a lot of work to be done. While I am not going to tell anyone to give up on Epiphany and move to Firefox, I very strongly believe that the changes people want for integration with Firefox will get into Firefox if people do the work.

I have been personally involved with the Mozilla Corporation and have been making headway in this field. I'll be giving a presentation on this topic at the upcoming Red Hat Summit in San Diego in May. I encourage anyone who is sincerely interested in this to do so. I'll be glad to review patches in upstream Firefox, or to help out in any way possible.

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