Re: What is Epiphany's role now?

On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 01:25 +1200, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2007, at 3:35 AM, William Case wrote:
> > First let me say, I do this already off the Gnome panel and/or the
> > Workspace Switcher.  I am only thinking of ways to make things faster,
> > intuitive and more efficient while working.
> I'm interested in understanding this better. Why would adding 
> non-Epiphany-specific things to Epiphany's toolbar be "faster, 
> intuitive and more efficient" than adding them to the panel? On the 
> panel they're available available all the time, even if you don't have 
> an Epiphany window open; and the target area is larger, because the 
> panel is against the edge of the screen.
Well, when I wrote this I had a couple of things in mind.  As suggested
latter on in my post I would like to have Epiphany work in conjunction
with Tomboy or Stickynotes or whatever.  I assumed that these would have
to be set with a special set of preferences or commands or something
that would not work exactly as the launcher on the panel.  

Evolution does not have a compose launcher that I know of and I keep my
main Evolution application open in a separate workspace.  Quick access
to my composer would allow me to post to someone while I have the
information in front of me and/or copy and paste from a site to an email
with the relevant info in view.  Maybe its because I am moving into old
fartism, but I find myself bouncing back and forth between work spaces
when writing an email to someone (maybe my short term memory is going)
that contains copied information.

With Epiphany taking up a great deal or full screen space I have a few
programs I would like to open with a specific geometry while using

However, my main point was, finding ways to cut down on keystrokes,
clicks and moves while I am working with relevant material in view.  If
there are better suggestions, I'll go with those.

> > ...
> > E.g. Suppose I could bind Wikipedia to <Ctrl><Super>W.  Then, as I work
> > along in, say OpenOfficeWriter and I want to look for something in
> > Wikipedia, without hardly skipping a beat, I could <Ctrl><Super>W and
> > have epiphany pop open at the Wikipedia site.
> Wouldn't it be nifty if Deskbar and Epiphany used the same set of 
> search channels! So after adding a Wikipedia search channel, you could 
> start typing your search in a search field in Epiphany's toolbar, arrow 
> down to "Wikipedia" from the resulting menu, and type Enter to do the 
> search in the same window (or Ctrl+Enter to open the results in a new 
> window). And if you didn't have an Epiphany window open, you could do 
> exactly the same thing in Deskbar.
I have downloaded deskbar but haven't installed it yet, so maybe I was
remiss in making the above comment.


Keep in mind, my original post was not intended to request features but
was primarily to exhort Epiphany developers to stay on the efficiency
path in response the "What is Epiphany's role now?".  If it was about
features rather than examples, I could think of lots of little bits of
chrome to add.

> Cheers
Regards Bill

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