Re: How to remove bookmarks?

Oh! On top of the display? This took me a while.
Great and all the other things I've been missing are there too (the
thing to delete stored passwords).

I'm not sure if I still hadn't noticed those menus there after two
years of gnome 3, or if I had noticed but forgot about them because
there was usually nothing interesting there.

Keep up the good work.
I always prefer a light browser when possible.

I'm a gnome 3 fan from the start, I think the gnome team did a
wonderful job concerning visual and usability and that the comercial
DEs shivered like never before. I have my pet peeves, of course,
but... it still is the best DE there is.

Thanks for the answer.

2013/6/22 Adam Dingle <adam medovina org>:

in the application menu (which appears as "Web" at the top of the display)
there's a menu item "Bookmarks".  Click it and Epiphany will open a window
that lets you manage your bookmarks.  You can right click any bookmark there
and choose Delete.  Or you can select a bookmark and press the Delete key.

Yes, we do need documentation for recent versions of Epiphany (3.6 and
higher)!  You can follow progress on that here:


On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Miguel Ramos <mail miguel ramos name>

Hi, I'm a little embarrassed by posing this newbie question, but I can't
find the answer anywhere. I've been using gnome for over 12 years and I've
been programming C/C++ for over 25. I'm using gnome 3.6. How do I remove a
bookmark from the epiphany bookmarks menu? I tried the right mouse button,
but it does exactly the same as the left mouse button, it navigates to the
bookmarked content. There is no "manage bookmarks" or something option...
How do I do this? I've searched the web, but the entire help content for
epiphany is for versions prior to 3.6. There is no "help" button or menu
option in epiphany 3.6. I tried removing bookmarks from the rdf file, but it
doesn't work, it's just a cache. I tried removing them from the
ephy-bookmarks file and that does work, however it is so much work to do it.
Is this the only option?
Miguel Ramos <mail miguel ramos name> PGP A006A14C
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Miguel Ramos <mail miguel ramos name>
PGP A006A14C

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