Re: set a startpage for epiphany browser


 I want to set a start(home)page for Epiphany (Web). I use version
 3.4.2-2.1 under Debian. This is the ony browser that displays my
 webapplication on Linux properly with scrollbars. The app is written
 for IE specifically. I cannot find an option to set this. Or is it
 possible to start it with an addres of a webpage so my users do not
 have to enter the address in the browser.
The possibility if setting a homepage was removed, and replaced by the
overview on Epiphany 3.4.

There is an open bug however, with a patch that allows configuring a
fixed homepage through a gsettings 'homepage-url' variable.

This patch was pushed on the kiosk-mode branch (based on 3.8), and has
been rebased for master recently (it would probably need to be refreshed
again after the last changes).

So you could either patch your version adapting those changes or add
your comments to the bug.

Lorenzo Tilve.

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