Re: unformatted text

I apreciate very much your prompt response. I will test your hint about 
the thumbnails tonight.
About the last question, I'm interested to develope the capability to 
display only the text of a specific page ( without formatting and images 
) instead of a rendered image, I was wondering what kind of container ( 
see atached image ) use evince to display a single page, maybe this 
container has the capability to display text or maybe it can be replaced 
by one which can, as you said in a previus mail "memo-kind". I hope you 
understand what I'm trying to do.
Thanks again.

Best regards.


Jonathan Blandford wrote:

On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 16:33 -0400, Carlos Fangmeier wrote:
Hi again Jonathan, after almost two month of playing around with poppler, evince and cross compiler, yesturday got I evince running on my zaurus.

I'm using the latest stable release of evince and poppler, but I did some performance comparisson with older release and I find out that compiling poppler with cairo output support the performance drop drastically ( pc and zaurus ), do you know the reason?ow I'm planning to make some modification to see if is possible to reduce the memory usage and increase the performance and I will apreciate if you could give me some advice in the following topics:
- Avoid displaying the side pane with the thumbnail, it use a lot of 
resource to render each image before the user try to see any page.

Change pixbuf_cache->preload_cache_size to be 1 or 0 in

- I asume that when you are looking a page, there are more than one pages rendered and loaded in memory. If so, is anyway to decrease this number.
It only renders the visible thumbnails, not offscreen ones.  You should
confirm that thumbnails are actually a problem, and then just remove
them if they are.  I doubt you'll get significant better performance
than the current code.

- Now I know that popplet provide one function to extract raw text from a specific page. The question is now if The container (or element) used to display the pixbuf generated by poppler for a specific page is able to display text?
I don't understand this question.

Good luck,

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