Re: Patch: do not persist print pages settings, etc.

another thing that I would like to see evince/gtk+ to remember if paper size, I have read somewhere it tries to be clever and gives it a paper size based on locale. However, if I am travelling to to US, I will need to change my paper size to Letter
even though I locale is en-UTF-8.ireland or via versa.

Should this be overwrite in evince or gtk+?


Nickolay V. Shmyrev wrote:
В Втр, 13/05/2008 в 08:08 +0000, Carlos Garcia Campos пишет:
El lun, 12-05-2008 a las 19:12 -0400, Patrick Lam escribió:

I've been frustrated a number of times by evince's persisting of page
ranges for printing. That is, if I print pages 1-3 of x.pdf, and then
tomorrow I print y.pdf without checking the dialog box, evince happily
prints pages 1-3 of y.pdf. No sane person could want that!
Print settings are persistent per document since 2.21.1, what evince
version are you using?
Please consider the following trivial diff, which prevents the
persisting of page information.
A lot of people are complaining about the persistent print settings.
Some people don't want any print setting to be remembered, others think
that only some settings should be remembered, and I don't know what to
do, What do you guys think?
Well, some settings like printer used we will store. The page range is
not a setting one can share across documents. I just wonder why gtk
doesn't solve this problem for us.

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