Re: evince for windows

--- El lun, 3/5/10, Jan-Hendrik "HennR" Peters <hennr fsfe org> escribió: 
> this is Henner from the FSFE.

Hi Henner
> I'm one of the initiators of
> As we link to the windows version of evince I wanted to
> know if you guys
> keep the windows installer always up to date?

Hib Eris is our super-hacker on charge of that, but I don't know if
we can assure we can keep it always updated, we are all volunteers. Hib, what are you thoughts on that ? 

> Today F-Secure asked Microsoft to release it's own simple
> and secure pdf
> reader.
> We could use the public attention and advertise evince for
> windows.

That's sounds great

> But first we need to know if you keep evince updated for
> windows as well.
> Another issues is an auto updater for evince.
> I found this bug today:
> Is there any progress on that?

I opened a bug "Add button supporting the FSF for Free PDF reader on the evince project site",
but I haven't received any reply, anyone knows who can I contact for this :)


   -- Juanjo Marin

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