Re: [evince] Perhaps could you share with Inkscape project ?

On 07/20/2011 11:55 PM, Ivan Louette wrote:

I develop the Inkscape SVG Filter Effects (SVG Filters are the only
thing I know in development) and on the other hand I often need to
vectorize text from PDF documents which contain embedded fonts non
installed on my system.

Some days ago I added a Blueprint on Launchpad about vectorizing text
while loading a PDF in Inkscape

Thanks to Evince SVG output I can do it now without using proprietary
software like Adobe and that's very very cool !!! However the output
needs some extra steps to become useable in Inkscape. For example in the
document I tested one must ungroup three times and unlink clones and the
object stay in root and aren't on a defined layer like I explained it
here (sorry this is in French).

I don't know if these infos can be useful for you to improve this output ?

I asked me if you had some contacts with Inkscape developpers. Perhaps
that could be very constructive !
Hi Ivan,

I'd like to hear of this unexpected use case of Evince :-)

Evince uses GtkPrintOperation() for printing pdf as svg files [1]. GtkPrintOperation() turns vector graphic pages in cairo_t object format provided by cairo poppler backend into svg formatted pages [2] using the cairo SVG surface functions [3][4].
In my limited understanding of the issue, any problem with the svg 
produced by Evince should be presumibly in the cairo backend or in the 
svg surface cairo functions. I think Inkscape developers can copy Evince 
behaviour without problem.
I hope this helps,

  -- Juanjo Marin


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