Re: [evince] Scroll control

16-10-2013, 15:58 (+0200); mihail riseup net escriu:
I do have one problem though. In using the PDF viewer that comes with it
(Evince), I can't find a way to move just a small section down the page
actually being viewed (like the arrow you see in the right bottom corner
of any browser window). Either one can move through the whole document
using the thing to the far right or not at all. For a book this makes it
impossible to move between different sections of one page in a large
I had this problem too.  The fix is quite simple:

Add this to ~/config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini 

gtk-theme-name = Clearlooks-Phenix
gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = false

By using the Clearlooks-Phenix theme (you'll need to install the package),
you'll get arrows in the scroll bars.  You can use any theme you like, I
think it's only the default GTK3 theme that doesn't have arrows.

The second option is what fixes the click on scrollbar behaviour.


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