Re: [evince] Fixing my first bug!

On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 23:47 +0530, Piyush Goel wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion!
I have been able to see the issue with the behaviour of history of

I have seen the direcories you mentioned.
Can you help me go about the code base? I'm not familiar with it.

You have to check only one directory 'shell', and inside that probably
only the files ev-window.c and the ones related to the history
management (ev-history*).

Shell is the UI and the file names should be self-explained, for
- Toolbar management: ev-toolbar
- Sidebar:
  - thumbnails: ev-sidebar-thumbnails
  - bookmarks: ev-sidebar-bookmarks
  - annotations: ev-sidebar-annotations

Because the bug is related to history, you can start looking at the
history related files (ev-history*), and the window of the UI

An approach would be:
- determine when (or under which circumstances) a new page is
  added in the history.
- where the shortcuts are added (associated to actions, maybe)

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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