Re: [evince] embedded type 3 font issue

|Usually rendering problems are in poppler or in cairo or in a
|mixture of those two. The best thing to do is to file a bug in
|evince (, attach the PDF you are having
|problems with, and possibly some screenshots. That way people can
|try to reproduce the bug and nail it down.
Lo and behold, when I tried it today after a re-boot, the pdf
renders correctly. Perhaps the replacement of cairo-1.12.14 by the
"official" version (1.8.8) did the trick after all.

|That being said, your version of cairo seems really new, while
|your version of poppler seems really old (poppler 0.12 is at
|least 5 years old) so the recommendation would be to try to see
|what happens on a newer version of poppler.
It's possible there is an incompatibility between the old poppler
and the new cairo. I'd be concerned that trying to upgrade both
would be problematic for many other packages.

Bob T.

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