Re: [evince] PDF files with "notes"

[CC'ing back to evince-list, but without the PDF]

On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 09:39 +1100, Dave Davey wrote:

I will attach two pages from an example paper:
has an annotation to show the need to insert a 'T' before "he" at the
end of the first line of the text of the figure legend.  The "insertion mark"
is visible in evince, but nothing happens if your pointer hovers over the
area, nor does a left button press produce a popup.

has a correction to the last line of the seconf reference.  Evince shows the
text strike-out, and an insertion mark, but again, hovering the pointer in the
vicinity does not show the correction, and a left button press does not
generate a popup.

Thanks for the samples. They were helpful to understand better a bug
already reported, see

The annotation type used for the insertion mark is 'Caret', which
poppler-glib can detect. Both of them are rendered, but nothing else can
be done with them.

For what it is worth, in the second document there are 4 annotations,
not 2.  In the first column-second line, there is a note text strike-out
and an insertion mark as well ('11' and the content of the Caret is


Germán Poo-Caamaño

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