Re: [Evolution-hackers] CalComponent in CalClient

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 06:36, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> Hi JP
> I need to change now CalClient to use libical directly intead of
> CalComponent, so that the new code in e-cal-model* does not have to use
> CalComponent (which will be removed soon).

We'll do the complete removal incrementally as we have time.

> The plan is to replace all CalComponent usage with icalcomponent, and
> use cal_component_get_icalcomponent from the old code that was using
> CalComponent. Also, using icalcomponent, the update_objects method seems
> redundant, since sending a single icalcomponent does the job of updating
> all components in the VCALENDAR top level case.
> I think we can just remove the update_object and rename update_objects
> to update_object.

As discussed on IRC I think it makes sense to retain the update_objects
name since we can actually send a bunch of sub components for update. 
If this conflicts with the current api, name the new function
update_objects_ical or something and we can fix up the names later.

JP Rosevear <jpr ximian com>
Ximian, Inc.

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