Re: [Evolution-hackers] Thoughts on "Tasks"

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 13:46, Morten Skarsholm Risager wrote:
> It seems everyone is being visionary about Evolution 2.0 these days but
> about all other components than the "Tasks" component. Doesn't anyone
> care about tasks?

I think this has been on the list since the first day, but no-one ever
actually finished writing one...

> I want the following (very rough ideas):
> *Have clickable URLs.

This is easy to do; you could use GtkHTML for both display and editing
of the notes.

> *Make cross-references to my calendar. (A specific task appearing for a
> specified time in my calendar. By clicking it in the calendar I want to
> go to the tree I've made below this task in my outliner)

This is kind of a general problem that we need to solve in Evolution; we
need this functionality elsewhere to take advantage of the integration.

Hmm once we have UIDs in ESourceList then I guess it should be trivial
to attach to a specific calendar item given its UID and its calendar's

> *To be able to "associate" a number of people to a specific item in the
> tree. Maybe to remind me that I should ask these people about something.
> Maybe to assign the task to someone. Maybe to see if they are online and
> using IM.

Kind of the same thing as above, but with the addressbook items.

> I'm not really sure whether I am suggesting to upgrade the "Tasks"
> component to an advanced outliner or if I'm suggesting a separate
> application well-integrated with gnome. 

These actually all sound like very good features for the general task
list to me more than a new component or a new app.

The cross-linking between items is particularly interesting to me; it's
always been a wishlist item for Evolution but we never got there...

-- Ettore

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