Re: [Evolution-hackers] spam filtering

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 12:27, Radek Doul�wrote:

>       * new [No]Spam button on toolbar and item in menubar
>         Actions/[No]Spam. when message was identified as Spam,
>         button/item says NoSpam to revive the message from Spam folder
>         (spam flag is set to false and incoming message filters are
>         applied). For nospam messages it says spam to mark message as
>         Spam (spam flag is set to true and message is moved to Spam
>         folder).

It would probably be good to have this in a context (right-click) menu
as well.  A keyboard shortcut might not be a bad idea, though I'm not
completely sure what key combination I'd want to assign to it.  Anna?

-Mark Gordon

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