[Evolution-hackers] Suggestions

	Please Sirs,

	I have to suggestions that would make my life quite easier with

1) Why doesn't it allow fasst command lines? For example:

	evolution --list today

	The above comand would list the activities of the current day.

	evolution --list todo

	And soh on...

2) How can I do a break line while editing a task on my calendar? ENTER
would confirm what I am typing. Is there a special key to make a break
line inside a box of activity??? If there is a way, could it be more
intuitive for us?

Thanks for the great software!

main(){int j=1234;char t[]=":@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.\n"
,*i = "iqgbgxmlvivuc\n:wwnfwsdoi"; char *strchr(char *,int);
while(*i){j+=strchr(t,*i++)-t;j%=sizeof t-1;putchar(t[j]);}}

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