Re: [Evolution-hackers] Evolution Webcal 1.0.2

Rodney Dawes wrote:
Evolution Webcal 1.0.2 is now ready for public consumption and the
enjoyment of clicking webcal: urls in your web browsr and having them
pop up a subscription dialog. The calendars will automatically appear in
Evolution 1.5.x if it is running, or will show up the next time you
start Evolution. It registers as the Gnome URL Handler for "webcal:" so
that any gnome application can open it when you click on these types of
URLs. Other non-gnome applications can easily set their URL handler to
be "gnome-open" as well, and those applications can use the Gnome URL
Handlers as well.

Very nice.  Is this indended to be a text/calendar MIME type handler too?

It seems to require http URIs. Could this be generalized to handle any gnome-vfs URI type that has a text/calendar MIME type ?
Two use cases:

 - clicking on a file in nautilus
This will allow us to get our bugzilla TODO lists automatically updated 
in our gnome-panel calendar :)


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