Re: [Evolution-hackers] Marcus Bains Line in calendar

YES, finally! Have ben waiting for that to come. Unfortunately I'm not
programmer enough to make it happen and not frustrated enough to file a
bug...but it's very welcome addition to the calendar.

Please let that make it into main release!


tor 2005-03-03 klockan 21:45 -0500 skrev Thouis (Ray) Jones:
> I've modified evolution calendar to have a Marcus Bains Line 
> It looks like this:
> The red line draws over elements in the calendar, the white line under
> the time text and lines.  It has a similar appearance for day view. 
> I've also added a preferences option to turn it on or off.  I find it
> removes any need to look at the clock when trying to find out what I
> have to do that day (or to have any clock on my screen at all).
> I made my changes against 2.0.3 (debian testing is using this
> version).  Is it worth making them against the CVS version and
> submitting them again?  I ask because this is a GUI change and the
> patch submission guidelines say it should be discussed beforehand.
> If it is worth remaking the patch, and someone has time, I would
> appreciate if they would look it over to let me know if I should
> change something when I do so.  I attached the patch against 2.0.3 to
> Ray Jones
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