[Evolution-hackers] ldap_ntlm_bind problem

   Hello there,
I am trying to compile the cvs gnome-2-12, using a script which has worked for a long time. Now it compiles, but cannot run. Can anyone suggest the cause please?
  EDS is compiled like this:

pushd evolution-data-server
make clean
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/pkgconfig/ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/evo/ --with-openldap=/opt/evo-openldap --with-krb5=/usr
sudo make install

  Part of its O.P. is:
checking for ldap_ntlm_bind... yes

   But on running like this:
export BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/bonobo/servers
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/:/usr/lib/mozilla-`mozilla --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "," -f -1`/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/evo/bin/:/opt/evo/libexec/:$PATH
evolution-2.4 $@

  I get:
Could not load /opt/evo//lib/evolution-data-server-1.2/camel-providers/libcamelexchange.so: /opt/evo//lib/libexchange-storage-1.2.so.0: undefined symbol: ldap_ntlm_bind

  Any ideas?

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