2007-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution-hackers] Evolution 2.21.1 , Evolution-Data-Server 2.21.1 , GtkHTML3.17.1 and Evolution-Exchange 2.21.1 released,
Srinivasa Ragavan
[Evolution-hackers] modify the widget height,
Re: [Evolution-hackers] How does evo find its components? (switching installs of evo),
Paul Smith
[Evolution-hackers] read email in an easier way by adding some accelerated keys,
David Liang
[Evolution-hackers] Ubuntu 7.10 upgrade leaves useless libedataserver around,
Patrick Ohly
[Evolution-hackers] Memory leak question in CamelImapCommand,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] GMail IMAP support in Evolution,
[Evolution-hackers] gnome-keyring-daemon running away?,
Paul Smith
[Evolution-hackers] Exchange MAPI Connector,
Srinivasa Ragavan
[Evolution-hackers] QRESYNC implementation for Camel-lite,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] Evolution 2.12.1 Evolution-Data-Server 1.12.1 GtkHTML 3.16.1 and Evolution-Exchange-2.12.1 released,
Srinivasa Ragavan
[Evolution-hackers] How does evo find its components? (switching installs of evo),
Paul Smith
Re: [Evolution-hackers] Difficulty of storing flags on IMAP server,
Sankar P
[Evolution-hackers] Difficulty of storing flags on IMAP server,
Ross Boylan
[Evolution-hackers] There's no need to be so hard on iconv,
Philip Van Hoof
Re: [Evolution-hackers] =?iso-8859-1?q?Copyright_of_Camel=27s=09indiv?= =?iso-8859-1?q?idual=09source=09files?=,
[Evolution-hackers] Copyright of Camel's individual source files,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] [Fwd: Re: Merging work] was: Let the porting,
Philip Van Hoof
Re: [Evolution-hackers] [Evolution] Current issues with Evolution 2.12 / Exchange,
Jacob Johnny
[Evolution-hackers] Let the porting begin,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] Request for improved svn commit messages,
Frederic Crozat
[Evolution-hackers] Patch that fixes compilation warnings on iconv-detect.c,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] EBook query string format?,
Jules Colding
Re: [Evolution-hackers] Evolution.Contact.Set(ContactField field, IntPtr value),
Jacob Johnny
[Evolution-hackers] Synching Evolution/GNOME version,
Srinivasa Ragavan
[Evolution-hackers] IMAP shared folders support,
Thomas Cataldo
[Evolution-hackers] New version of the Evo SVN Makefile,
Paul Smith
Mail converted by MHonArc