Re: [Evolution-hackers] looking for a bit of help with a build failure

On Fri, 2014-05-02 at 14:02 +0000, Reid Thompson wrote:
$ env |egrep "PKG|LD"

$ pkg-config -version
I have the same pkg-config version and the .pc file content (except of
version, it shows 3.13.2 for me), but the output is correct for me.
Please run:
  $ pkg-config --libs libedataserver-1.2 --debug

do not paste it here, the debugging info is too long, but check where it
got it. The most interesting part starts at lines which contain "from
file" string. I used:
  $ pkg-config --libs libedataserver-1.2 --debug 2>&1 | grep "from file"
to see that
   Reading 'libedataserver-1.2' from file '$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig/libedataserver-1.2.pc'
and the rest of the required libraries goes from the system directory
for me. The thing is that the debug output of pkg-config shows many
useful details, thus it's possible to see where the values are taken
from. I hope it'll shed some light on the issue.

Also, I guess "Path position" defines how the string is concatenated,
where it prints to me 1 for libedataserver-1.2 and camel-1.2, and number
3 for anything else. If the libedataserver-1.2 looks correct, can the
problem be with camel-1.2?

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