Re: [Evolution-hackers] Checking application of extensions and plugins for a software test installation

I am looking for better support of advanced software build techniques
so that more tasks can eventually be automated in helpful ways.
Wanting advanced techniques means being an advanced person,
I suggest to adjust possible target conflicts.

which is against being nice to newcomers, because too many choices
can confuse people and make it too easy to make mistakes.
Some automation and continuous integration can help to improve
the build process considerably, can't it?

I'm not sure I read it properly. It sounds to me that your first
sentence says my quoted text can be extended, then the rest says the
opposite, that it supports what I wrote.
We are discussing dependencies and development consequences for
two known variables, aren't we?

In any case, no DESTDIR into the Wiki page, no. Keep it simple, please.
Will this technical detail become more interesting also for CMake scripts?


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