RE: [Evolution] How do I compile Evolution? Hints?

I'd love to help code IMAP support, unfortunately I won't really be able to
help much until toward the end of May. If IMAP *must* be started before
then, you guys may want to take a look at spruce's imap code (specifically
spruce-devel cvs at


On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, "Matt Loper" wrote:
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 21:25:25 -0400
To: "'Kevin A. Burton'" <burton relativity yi org>,
<evolution helixcode com>
From: "Matt Loper" <matt helixcode com>
Reply-To: <matt helixcode com>
Subject: RE: [Evolution] How do I compile Evolution?  Hints?

Kevin wrote:
BTW is there a schedule for the BETA or are you guys just
going to do it
when it is ready?  I really need Evolution and think it has a ton of
We're shooting for a preview release by the May 1st. The main big thing
won't have is IMAP support, which we'll integrate in May; and it will be
missing features. And, of course, it will be buggy.

The first beta will come when Evolution is more stable and
than that. That timeline is harder to speculate about.


The Borg use Spruce. It will be assimilated. Shouldn't you?

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