[Evolution] RE: [Evolution-hackers] Dum de dum

Hmm, how does this solve the Exchange problem?  It appears that we are only
exchanging one proprietary product for another (TradeXCH client doesn't
connect directly to the Exchange server, instead, it uses a proxy hosted
either with the server, or on a priveliged NT client.  The proxy software is
proprietary still.)  While this would preclude reverse engineering the
protocol for exchange, you now have to purchase the proprietary software
proxy instead...  (This is what you are really paying for when you purchase
their TradeXCH client from them).

Tom M.
TomM pentstar com

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Ryan Marsh wrote:

Schweet! I was actually packet sniffing on my windowz box last night so
I can begin to reverse engineer the Exchange server protocols. Good
thing I won't have to mess with that!


On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 02:12:07PM -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers helixcode com
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin

evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers helixcode com


The Celestial Wizard
President - South East Brisbane Linux Users Group
Linux - Where you WANT to be!

I don't speak for Microsoft. So please don't speak for me.

evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers helixcode com

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