Re: [Evolution] Act! 2000 Reverse engineering

I've used it before, It's a way to access foxpro databases(at least what
I've used). I wasn't overly thrilled working with it, I thought it was
kindof clumbsy and awkward.

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Tom Musgrove wrote:

I found a resource that could potentially make reverse engineering the Act!
2000 (and Goldmine) data formats much easier... Free

(Free is part of the link...)

According to their website, they provide the complete source to their
product, and it can access Act! 2000 database files and Goldmine files.

Thus someone should be able to spec the file format from their code, and
then have someone else do a clean room implementation to access the files.

There is a "Free 30 Day Test Drive" available.

What do you think?

Tom M.
TomM pentstar com

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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