Re: [Evolution] New User


On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 06:14:42AM +0600, Michael Artman wrote:
There are a couple places to start on a free software
project including this one.

The buglist:
Fixs things that bug you or you need.

Come hang out on IRC and help out :-)
Hmmmmmmmm ... I wonder if maybe this is one of those cases
where "If you can't get there, you can't help."  :)  I've
never used IRC before, and I'm willing to do so ... but I
don't know what server or channel I should be looking under.
Well, IRC may not be the best method of communication if you
live on the other side of the world to Helix Code Inc., but you
don't *have* to talk to them on IRC to contribute.  I have
contributed (in a _very_ small way by making a couple of
suggestions/comments on this list) without using IRC.  (Haven't
IRCed for years, really.)  I'm sure joining the
evolution-hackers mailing list would be a good idea if you want
to contribute by sending patches.  You can always get the code
via CVS, fix a bug/add a feature, do a "cvs update," fix any
conflicts, do a "cvs diff" and post the patch, I'm sure.  Of
course, it would help if other people know what you're working
on so you don't step on each others toes, but a mailing list is
good enough for that.

Hope that helps :)  Now maybe someone who has actually
contributed some code can comment :)

Michael Wood        | Tel: +27 21 762 0276 |
wood kingsley co za | Fax: +27 21 761 9930 | Kingsley Technologies

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