Re: [Evolution] Editing keystokes

On 15 Dec 2000 00:42:17 +0500, Rupert Heesom wrote:
Does Evolution plan to implement editing keystokes such as windows
Cntl+<Arrow> or VI keystokes or Emacs keystokes....anything?  If there
are some easy "getting around the editor" keys, where can I find the
information for these?
Key-bindings could be set in Control center / HTML Editor. You could
choose Emacs / MS like or define custom ones.

Thanks, I found it now.  However on the MS types, I couldn't find an equivalent of
"move L/R one word" .... Cntl <left>/<right> in windows.   I used to use those
keys often, but now find it a pain not to be able to.

Maybe I can get used to Emacs keys?!


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