Re: [Evolution] Can't compose email and inline iamges

What Distro do you have installed? Red Hat? if it is then:
You should dowload the latest rpm's from under
/pub/helix/evolution/distribution/RedHat-6(RedHat-7 if you have it)/.
Dump them into your
/var/cache/helix-installer directory and run rpm -Uvh --force *.rpm. The
problem is one of the packages was faulty at the time of release, and
has since been updated.

Good Luck,
Garrett Mickelson

On 19 Dec 2000 11:04:07 -0400, Lionel Barrow wrote:
    Things were going so well with me and evolution when it seemed that it called an abrupt divorce. All of 
a sudden, since I upgraded to .8, I can no longer send email. I had to boot to windows to send this one. It 
says something to the effect of can't display compose window. Has anyone encountered this as yet and maybe 
found a fix.
    Also, I thought that automatic inline images in email was implemented upon receipt of email but I still 
have to right click the thumbnail to get a it. Is there something I am doing wrong?? Thanks in advance guys


Remain Calm


Garrett Mickelson
Linux Systems Engineer
Penguin Computing
garrett penguincomputing com

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