Re: [Evolution] YAFR -- Yet Another Feature Request

On 19 Dec 2000 19:49:28 +0100, Konrad Neuwirth wrote:
Hello everyone,

   my first submission to this list, and it's already a feature
request :-)  Although what I'm describing here is also ripped from a
Microsoft Windows MUA, it's not Outlook but The Bat! by Ritelabs
(   Bat has something called the
"Mail Ticker[tm]" that's basically a frameless window that, just like
a stock ticker, has values for new mail running through---more often
than not a two line display containing From and Subject for the mails,
colored according to priority; and if you want, you can have a third
line indicating which of your accounts and folders the mail has
arrived in.  What I also happen to like about the Ticker is that it
runs atop of screen savers as well, meaning that as soon as mail comes
in, the bar runs across the screen and you immediately are notified of
new mail without any sounds :-)

There is a need for this, but there are dozens of mailcheck programs out
there already - why not use them? I use gKrellM for system monitoring &
it has a good mailcheck function.

There are two mailcheck applets in GNOME applets (panel -> add to panel
-> applet -> network).


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