Re: [Evolution] imap and mh folders

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:57:50 -0500
Dan Winship <danw helixcode com> wrote:

The problem for me is that I have 300+ MB of mail in mh format, and
without a conversion tool a working imap is the only chance I have to
switch to evolution.
OK, so I just whipped up this MH -> evolution migration script


cd ~/Mail
for folder in `find . -type d -print | sed -e 's:^./::'`; do
      test $folder = . && continue
      evdir="~/evolution/local/"`echo $folder | sed -e 's:/:/subfolders/:g'`
This has to be

evdir="${HOME}/evolution/local/"`echo $folder | sed -e 's:/:/subfolders/:g'`

because the "~" isn't expanded.

      mkdir -p $evdir
      cat > $evdir/folder-metadata.xml << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <description>$folder folder</description>

touch $evdir/mbox

otherwise packf asks for confirm. That's annoying if you have some hundred

      packf +$folder -file $evdir/mbox

After that it works, thanks. But the problems are not finished :-). If I try to
start evolution after that, it hangs. It writes one "mbox.ibex" file than hangs
on a write:

--> strace -p 20522
write(27, "\300\264\20\10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\334w\n\10\330\265\20\10"..., 28

I have ~60 folders with tenth of subfolders each. If I move the evolution
directory tree for my folders on another directory and than copy one "main"
folder at a time in the right position, evolution starts. It's a slow
process :-).

-- Dan

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