Re: [Evolution] Suggestions for deleting mail

Along this same line...  Is there a scheme in the works to actually use
the "Trash" folder? It seems a bit different since evo uses the
mbox-like method of leaving the message in the current folder but
marking it deleted until it's expunged.  This useage would be a bit
confusing for the normal "Eudora" like users....  The "trash" folder
would be a more modern e-mail client approach.
  Anyway, I saw the "trash" folder that was created and wondered if it's
there to be used in the future.

On 22 Dec 2000 03:35:37 -0800, Scott Rohde wrote:
Hey all,

I read that the delete task is going to change at some time.  If so, I
humbly offer my suggestions:

1. A delete thread command.  It will delete all mail that belongs to the
thread that is currently selected.

2. When a mail is deleted automatically select either the next or
previous message (this allows for rapid fire deleting).

3. A toggle to hide deleted messages.  This will help reduce the


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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