Re: [Evolution] Thoughts on Preview 0.2


On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 11:59:48PM -0400, Rony Kubat wrote:
    * The button bar beneath the menu. I hope that it will be
      possible to a) hide the text, b) hide the icons, c) hide
      the whole bar. These button's actions would be soon
      replaced by function-key combinations for many people.
Well, a workaround for this is to drag the toolbar out of the
window.  (Drag the vertical bar on the left of the toolbar.)
Then just bring the window to the front again.  :)

    * The shortcut bar. This uses up an incredible amount of
      screen space for limited functionality. Again, here it'd
      be nice to be able to hide the icons, text or both. A
      horizontal orientation, maybe at the bottom of the
      window I think would work better. The icons could
      highlight depending on which component you're using at
      the moment.  (small icons)
Well, you can hide the whole thing by clicking on
View|Show shortcut bar.

 Other UI ideas:

    * along the grey bar where it says "inbox": What if the
      "inbox" was really a pop-up menu which let you choose
      between your folders? This would save me lots of space.

Outlook can be made to do this.  I think it would be useful.

Michael Wood        | Tel: +27 21 762 0276 |
wood kingsley co za | Fax: +27 21 761 9930 | Kingsley Technologies

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