Re: [Evolution] Evolution mailbox format - converting from ...

Yeah I think you're right, i'll look at adding that at
some point, its only an hour or 2 work i'd say.

On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 11:52:23AM +1200, Guy Steven wrote:
format. Is the new format some standard format, and is there a
utility to convert it back so that I can use pine to access
those messages which were still in my inbox?
This seems to work:

sed -e 's/^From - $/From foo bar  Wed Jul 19 08:52:14 2000/' \
~/evolution/local/Inbox/mbox | formail -I 'From ' -s formail \
Or if you don't mind all the "From " lines containing junk, just
do the sed part :)

By the way, would it be possible for Evolution to generate
"^From " lines of the form "From user host  `date`"?  Even if
"From - " is valid, pine, elm, mutt, formail etc. don't think
it is.  It would be nice to interoperate better with other

Michael Wood        | Tel: +27 21 762 0276 |
wood kingsley co za | Fax: +27 21 761 9930 | Kingsley Technologies

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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