Re: [Evolution] v0.3.1 doesn't like my birthday (Date problem with contacts when saving changes via Icon)

I've seen this before.  My guess is they are using the unix time stamp,
and are setting hours, mins, & seconds to 0, and the day doesn't actually
start till the 1st second.  There for it ends up subtracting 1 day when
you write the data.  At least that's what the problem was with my code
that did that same thing.

On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, [iso-8859-1] Stéphane LOEUILLET wrote:


each time you save a contact via the save_icon, both birthday &
anniversary date
are 'decremented' by one day.

First, my birthday was 5/19/1977, i changed something else (Office
Field) and saved.
Reopening it, i saw 5/18/1977. Retrying it -> 5/17/1977.

Same thing with Anniversary field

Quite strange.

Accessory, the tooltip behind the save_icon is 'save the appointment and
close ...'


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

Joshua Reilly
Jr. SysAdmin
Azusa Pacific University
What we do in life echoes in eternity. 
        -- Russell Crowe as Maximus in The Gladiator

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