Re: [HC Evolution] Re: libole2 -> gnomevfs backend?

NotZed wrote:


Localizing Evolution and Wombat related data into a file makes things easier
for a user. They can move a file from one machine to another, and they can
back up that one file onto another machine. We're going for ease of use
here; a single file for storage says "I'm your Evolution stuff", but a
directory says "I have a million files in me, and I'm complicated. Edit my
files and you'll mess everything up. Explore me and you'll get confused."
Uh?  Why would a user want to?  Hiding it in a single file just
makes it impossible to edit or understand (or fix, or troubleshoot, etc).

If a user has to worry about automatically created any file at all,
then its already too complicated.  "save settings as" seems to work
pretty well, or in a real enterprise environment their settings will
be on nfs, or in a central server (e.g. ldap), so they definetly
will not need to be copying any config file.  Stop thinking
like a windoze user.
I don't understand. I thought it was saving user information, not settings.

Likewise, I think although we could store some settings in (say) gconf,
those settings should be duplicated in our file -- again, so that if one
changes machines, and moves their one file, they can fire up Evolution
without problems.

I admit, putting this stuff into a file (rather than a directory) doesn't
make programmers' lives easier. But we're designing Evolution for users
first, not programmers. :)
Doesn't really make any differnece if you ahve the interface.  A lot
of little files is a pain to program, without the config api you'll
have anyway.
Could gnome-vfs have a gconf backend?

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