Re: [Evolution] Evolution, Components, and Authentication

On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 01:52:14PM -0400, Joseph F. Dries III wrote:
. The ability, through Nautalus, to encrypt single files, groups of files,
  or even entire directory structures with a few mouce clicks (r-click,
  properties, X.509/GPG-encrypt, etc.)
wow, this would be cool. I doubt it is necessary to have such a complex
system as you explain here. AFAICT only a gnome-vfs fileystem type needs to
be written. If you want to share these files, then I guess such a system
would be necessary.

Sarel Botha
sjbotha email com

99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code,
          fix one bug, compile it again...
          101 little bugs in the code....

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